RMOA Business Institute (RBI)

Fairfax, VA

The RMOA Business Association (RBA) established the RMOA Business Institute (RBI), www.rmoabusinessinstitute.org, for military veterans and non-veterans seeking to become entrepreneurs. The knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities acquired during military service or while employed by other companies help enrollees to become successful entrepreneurs. Most RBA members are military veterans who parlayed their military service into prosperous companies. RBI?s comprehensive program features (1) Online curriculums; (2) instruction and mentoring by veterans and others who are operating successful businesses; (3) internship; (4) an incubation phase to help launch new businesses; (5) a Certificate of Completion; and (6) technical assistance that continues after graduation. RBI uses the Kaufman Foundation Entrepreneurial curriculum and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. RBI is a unique and value-added program because it provides experience-based and personalized entrepreneurial training. The courses are taught and managed by military veterans and non-veterans who became successful entrepreneurs. Executives of thriving small businesses review business plans crafted by RBI Fellows and provide advice based on their experience. RBI also helps Fellows (students) to navigate the filings, certifications, and preparations required to launch a new business. RBA members who serve as RBI Advisors/Mentors function as role models and confidantes; provide guidance, advice, and encouragement; impart technical knowledge and other expertise; collect data; and refer Fellows to supportive services as required.

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