India Wells-Carter, founder of Fresh Factory
The Concept
Inspired by the people that make Kansas City home, India Wells created a space for people to play, party, and photograph – providing anyone with the opportunity to be a creator.
Plan the Strategy
The story of the Fresh Factory began when India strolled through Zona Rosa and found a vacant space that would be close to her home. Having done a business plan and knowing the estimated startup costs, India decided to inquire about the space despite the belief that it would be out of budget. To her surprise, Zona Rosa allowed pop-up opportunities and provided free rent for the first seven months after approving the business plan. After locking in the space, India worked on developing different art installations that could inspire and attract content creators.
Grow the Revenue
Drawing inspiration from Kansas City and its culture, 12 different selfie installations are available for patrons with occasional holiday themed installations. Looking to stand out among competitors in the area, India merged her prior experience in event planning and opened the studio space for private events and celebrations to open the market beyond creators alone.
Expand the Market
The idea to offer multi-visit passes for frequent visitors allowed past clients to receive a discount in their future visits and strengthen the business-and-client relationship. The importance of community was reflected in the business model when India extended Fresh Factory’s services to local organizations and groups to host fundraising events and providing them with 40% of the total profits.
Although no one in society could have predicted that the Chainsmokers’ #Selfie song, would make the art of selfie taking explode and could eventually be developed into a future business. Even if one may be scared to take the next step, India says that one must do it without letting fear set in. “It’s going to be an evolving learning journey, but just jump out and just do it,” India said. “Don’t allow any limiting beliefs to hold you back and don’t allow any other person or society’s limiting beliefs keep you from moving forward with what you know is within your heart to do, no matter how big or how small. So do it scared, but do it anyway.”